Y12SR combines the benefits of yoga with the wisdom of 12-step meetings. Adopting practices from both worlds, Y12SR meetings include reading and sharing, plus gentle yoga movement and mindfulness practice. Y12SR is a holistic model to address the physical, mental, and spiritual dis-ease of addiction. 

Y12SR is informed by the latest research in neuroscience and trauma healing. We recognize that “the issues live in the tissues,” so including yoga as part of recovery helps to deepen any work that participants may be currently doing, or jumpstart the journey of self-discovery. 

Y12SR classes are for anyone dealing with their own addictive behaviors or affected by those behaviors in others. I believe we have all been touched by someone’s addictive behaviors at some time in our lives, so I encourage anyone and everyone to keep an open mind and join me for Y12SR. All are welcome. Yoga is offered in both standing and seated (chair) versions.